Sunday, December 12, 2004

Yes, Virginia, There is Such a Thing as an Organized Writer...

I bet if you're like me, you never thought that the words organized and writer could go together. Well, they can. Honest. I have an article up at eHarlequin on how to be an organized writer (detailing how I crossed to the dark side of storage containers and labeling ;-). Click here to read more:;jsessionid=AE15CBRE2LWS3LAUEAKCAOQ?pageID=041201wo01001

It really helps, too, to keep yourself on track, particularly during a busy season like this one (and a big woohoo to me--all my presents are bought except for two small ones; all family cards are done and a big bunch of things are ready to mail. I expect to be entirely done by this coming Friday. That's the earliest EVER for being done!).

That's not to say my office is always perfect ;-) There's a photo on my website, under the photos section, of my office on the one day when it's TOTALLY cleaned and organized. Nine times out of ten, I do have a couple piles of work going--Crucial, Can Wait till Crucial is done and Got To File Before It Topples ;-)

Anyway, this one's going to be short -- lots to do and little time! It's supposed to snow here tonight and my kids are dying for a little of the white stuff. Me, I can wait! :-)

Cookies and hot cocoa all around...


1 comment:

  1. Great article. Now if I can just find time to apply these tips!! LOL ;)


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