Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Writing Advice That Doesn't Hurt...Too Much

Over on my eHarlequin thread, I had a question that I receive quite often--the basic, I want to write but don't know where to start and also need to know how to keep my book compelling. Lots and lots of writers ask me that question when I speak at conferences and workshops, and I remember wondering the same thing.

In fact, one of my first rejection letters said that I needed to make my characters more lively and my story more compelling. Huh? I thought. How on earth do I do that?

Well, I eventually figured it out. Took a while, though (I wrote ten books in eight years before finally selling; clearly, I'm a slow learner ;-).

But here I am, writing another book (and at 13,168 words and feeling mighty proud of myself today!) and starting to feel like I sort of know what I'm doing. Then I go and learn more about how to write and gosh-darn, the whole process gets harder again. You know why? Because you start to expect more out of yourself as a writer. You want to do more, to achieve more. To be a better author than you were with your last book or the book you just turned in.

Personally, I think that's a good thing. I don't want to be one of those authors that people read and think "this book is exactly like her last 242. Why do I buy her?"

I want my writing to evolve, to grow, to change. I want to learn how to be better and stronger.

Geez, I'm starting to sound like a Geritol commericial.

Okay, okay, if I'm blogging, I'm not doing any of those things, now am I? LOL. Well, blogging is a LOT easier than aiming high with words.

So, without further ado, here is my writing advice post from eHarlequin (hey, I learned how to make links!). Click and read at will ;-)

BTW, to reward myself for all my hard work yesterday, I didn't delve into the cookie jar (I'm trying to lose those Christmas pounds that I gained BEFORE the holiday), I went to LS Ayres and bought a really, really cool pair of Enzo Angiolini high heels.

Nothing says "good job" like a pair of black suede holiday pumps ;-)


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