Saturday, August 06, 2005

Gambling Girl...

Well, I'm home again from Reno and a whopping $60 richer (considering I was only gambling the same $8 over and over again, I consider that a major win! :-). The Romance Writers of America conference was wonderful, but draining. I had meant to post to the blog while I was away but...forgot to bring my passwords file with me. Note to self -- bring EVERYTHING when traveling :-)

But I'm back, and back at work -- writing a book in the next four weeks (it can be done...right? :-). My kids go back to school in 18 that leaves me with about two weeks after that of free writing days with no interruptions -- in other words, Utopia :-)

The book I'm working on is another of the romance with recipes books -- this time the theme is cheese (one of my all-time favorite foods) so expect lots of cheese related posts over the next few weeks. I already have a few recipes in mind for the book, being a collector of all cheese type foods...I really did love that Atkins approach to eating, LOL.

The picture I *think* I managed to upload :-) is of Lissa Manley, Leah Vale, Cynthia Rutledge and me (on the right, keeping the braces behind a tight-lipped smile ) at the Harlequin party. We're all in black, being smart women who know it shaves off the ten pounds we have gained at all those dessert parties all week.

Will post more...and another photo once I figure out how to turn it right side up :-)


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