Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wimpy, Wimpy, Wimpy

Well, I got up early enough to run, but opened the door to let the dogs out and quickly changed my mind. It was one degree above freezing here, and I have the beginnings of a sore throat (the kids probably brought me home a cold from school). I wimped out yet again. I stayed in my toasty warm office, spent lots of time on responding to e-mails and getting caught up housekeeping stuff with my e-mail lists.

And dreaming of being back here:

This is a picture of Cancun, which was one of our stops on a cruise the kids and DH and I went on a couple years ago. It's not even winter yet and I already want to ditch the Midwest :-). I love winter--until December 26th, and then I want all the cold, and the snow, to just go away and get back to summer. I think I need an indoor pool or something.

I know I've been promising more recipes but I haven't been cooking much. I have, however, perfected the art of getting DH to either take me out to dinner or stop for takeout. He brought home Subway last night (I was good, had the Chicken Ranch sub in the wrap). I did have Flat Iron steaks the night before last, though. If you haven't tried this cut, I highly recommend it. My local grocery touts it as the second most tender cut, and it really is. I had a Flat Iron at Friday's (I think it was Friday's; we really have been to a lot of restaurants lately, LOL) and really enjoyed it. I cooked mine on high heat in a little garlic with some kosher salt, fresh ground blended pepper (the red/white/black pepper that you can buy in a mill) and cooked it to just past medium, then let it rest for five or six minutes, which brought it to barely medium well. It was really tender and even better on a salad the next day.

Oh, I did make my own blue cheese dressing yesterday. I had no idea how easy it was to make. It's my favorite dressing in the world (and since I'm dieting, I do the old "dip the fork, then grab up salad" trick to get just a taste of dressing). My trusty Betty Crocker cookbook said to mix:

3 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup mayonnaise (I used Miracle Whip, no mayo in the house)
1/3 cup half and half
crumbled blue cheese

Online today, I saw other recipes that added a little apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and garlic powder to the mix. I think I'll add those today, too. Mine was kinda plain, though not bad. Either way, it was WAY better than what you buy in a bottle.

And my other great find yesterday was sugar-free KAHLUA!!! DaVinci syrup flavoring for my coffee. Very yummy. Very decadent. I had to brew a cup with the French Press yesterday just to have some in the afternoon.

Back to the book. Hope your toes are toasty wherever you are!



  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I'm definitely sick of the freezing cold already too. It was way too hard to get out of bed this morning.

  2. I don't like the cold here today - ugh! Snow - come on!
    Sugar free Kahlua???? Oooo!!!!!

  3. Sugar-Free Kahlua flavor is almost like drinking in the middle of the day. I can kinda feel like Hemingway, only without the buzz, LOL!

    And Carla, glad to find another fair weather runner!



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