Wednesday, December 29, 2004

It's Not All About the Gifts...

I know, I haven't blogged in a while. I have a perfectly good reason for that and it's about giving when you have nothing to give...mentally. I had plenty of physical gifts to give (if there's one thing I love to do, it's shop) but mentally, I have been out of it for a while from a migraine that just wouldn't quit. It didn't help that DH and I bought the kids the band equipment they asked for this year. That, coupled with a migraine meant a bad combo!

So, I just wanted to do a quick post saying I'm back!

As for the holidays, my best part is never the gifts. It's being with family and enjoying the spirit that seems to imbue everyone, from the postman (person?) to the waitstaff. We just donated a bunkbed to a homeless shelter and it was a nice feeling to know we were helping a needy family. Put our holiday in perspective.

To you and yours,



  1. Glad you're back. As a fellow migraine sufferer I empathize with you. One of my children got a snare drum for Christmas and I thought that was bad--how will you survive with a whole band?

  2. Speaking of donating, I was glad to find out recently about http:/ . My county (and most counties across America) has its own group where we can email items to the group that we want to give away. I like knowing that an item is going specifically to someone who needs it!

  3. Hi Shirley, Hope the migranes get better! I just started Frog Prince last night. I am enjoying it so far. I would have stayed up and finished it last night, but I was exhausted from the night before. Here at the church, we see lots of needy people around Christmas time. It's really sad.


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