Thursday, May 12, 2005

My Four Minutes of Fame...

If you've ever done a live TV interview, you know anything can--and will--happen. I was on local TV yesterday, on the 11 a.m. news broadcast, and was scheduled to have about 10 minutes on air. I did the whole pre-interview, was feeling pretty confident and sat back, watching the report and waiting my turn.

Then a Cessna flew over the White House and unleashed a bit of pandemonium in Washington. I saw the "breaking news" and knew my minutes were going to be short -- if they weren't cut entirely.

Sure enough, time ticked by and a second breaking news report came on. I was pushed down further into the broadcast. I didn't get pre-empted, which was cool, but my segment was hurried along and condensed into three or four minutes :-) I got a little flustered by that and am my own worst critic, so I thought it went horrible. Friends tell me I didn't humiliate myself :-)

I should have an MPEG of it up on my site soon. I'll let you all know when I do.

The hosts, however, were very cool and they did show my bookcovers, which was awesome. I had a fun time and really enjoyed getting dressed up and out of the house for a bit :-)

It messed with my writing schedule, but I spent extra time last night writing (skipping my usual dose of "Dateline NBC"). I am addicted to "Revelations," though, so I worked on the commercials of that one :-)

My writing point--and I do have one--is that if your day is interrupted by "breaking news," add on to the other end of your day and get those pages in. You'll be less stressed tomorrow and go to sleep with a nice sense of accomplishment.

My Magpie is coming around and getting a little bit less needy (she cries when she can't see me; today is the first day she hasn't done that). She actually made it up most of the stairs yesterday before getting scared and calling for a rescue :-)

I don't think I've ever mentioned my dogs here (there is a bit about my youngest one in my Kensington bio). I'll upload a photo today. Heidi, the Golden Retriever, is the older one, while Max is just turning two this month. He was one of those problem dogs before that, but now he's settling down. Hopefully no terrible twos for him ;-)

Anyway, I need to stop chatting and get to work! :-)


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