Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What is with Some Posts?

I have a StatCounter on my website, and I check it from time to time to see what pages are most popular and which ones get the most hits. It's kind of cool to see where people come from and what pages they visit.

This past week, for instance, I had a lot of visitors from the United States--no surprise there -- but also visitors from Singapore, Seychelles, Dublin, the UK, Slovakia and Israel. I've had a wide variety of countries in the past (Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Germany), I think mainly from when my books come out in the other countries (I'm out in 20 countries now).

Or maybe these people just stumbled upon my site by accident, LOL.

But what gets me is the Blogger Posts that draw people EVERY day. There are certain posts that, no kidding, get a hit EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don't know why. My stats are pretty evenly divided between my site, my contest and my blog, meaning all get equal play and visits (which is heartening, because it means people are visiting all equally) and I'm pretty evenly visited by returning visitors and new visitors alike (also nice), but certain posts are hit on a daily basis.

My post on getting my hair cut.

And my recipe for Roast Pork Tenderloin.

LOL. I don't know why. Apparently my angst over whether or not to cut my hair short is shared by many women who Google cutting their hair, because it leads them to that Blogger post. They read it, sometimes zip through my blog or over to my website, sometimes not. Either way, it cracks me up that EVERY SINGLE DAY those two get hit.

I guess I should post about my hair and cooking pork roast more often. If only I could find a way to sell books while doing that, I'd be all set!

The picture above, BTW, is from a past Romance Writers of America conference. That's me on the left, my friend Becke, my critique partner Janet Dean (whose first book is out with Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historicals next year) and my friend Ruth on the end. I'll be at the Dallas conference in a month, and if you're in the area, stop on by!


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