Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Three-Pound Queen

I'm blogging about Sophie today on Running with Quills, because, well, she's the only thing I'm talking about lately, LOL.

I do have a brag on her today. Yesterday, in the space of 15 minutes, she learned both "Sit" and "Come." She almost learned "Down," too (but then the kids came home and she got distracted from her lessons :-). She is most definitely the smartest dog I have ever had.

We got 5 inches of snow last night. Poor little Sophie isn't even that tall yet! We had to sweep off the patio so she could go out. I doubt it'll take much asking to get the kids to shovel part of the yard so she can have more "outdoor" space today ;-).

Anyway, check out Running with Quills. There are some great authors over there, talking about things other than my dog, too, LOL.


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