Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Some Days Just Rock :-)

Today was just awesome. Not only did I do better on my run than I have on any other day (and am wearing jeans that are TWO SIZES!!! smaller than I was wearing a month ago before I started this :-) but I went on the Romantic Times website and found out they totally loved BOTH my November releases.

Both of them :-) Too awesome.

First, THE OTHER WIFE, my first women's fiction, got a TOP PICK! :-) That's as good as it gets over there. They called it a wonderful book, with lots of unexpected twists, said lots of nice things.

Second, about my novella in the SUGAR AND SPICE anthology they said "of the four novellas, the best is the last one. Jump's terrific yarn is touching, humorous and marvelously well plotted..."

I did a major happy dance, totally embarrassing my kids (hey, that's what I'm here for--to humiliate them in public ;-).

Now back to work :-)



  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Yea, congrats! What a great day

  2. Great stuff, Shirley. I've just ordered Rescued by Mr. Right and I'm hoping to order The Other Wife soon!

    Wonderful news about your weight loss as well. :)


  3. Thanks, Carla!

    And thank you, too, Lynette! Both for the kudos and the book ordering! :-)


  4. Thanks, Andie!! :-)



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