Friday, June 01, 2007

Candles Burning

I've been reading Candles Burning by Tabitha King and kind of enjoying it. I say kind of because it's a very different book. Not the kind that grabs you by the throat and forces you to keep reading, although the first chapter is like that. It's hard to get into because it's told through the viewpoint of a child, so that makes it hard to stick with it at times. However, the plot is pretty unique -- the whole time you're wondering why and when the ghost story part is going to come in -- and there's definitely something paranormal at work here.

I didn't go into it expecting a Stephen King read, don't get me wrong. I know she's Tabitha King and an author in her own right. A completely different author, finishing another author's book after said author died. Which had to be a pretty monumental task to begin with.

So, I pick it up, and sometimes put it down in lieu of something else, but I find myself drawn to it over and over again. It's a dense book--dense in the writing and dense in words, so it requires concentration. It's not the kind of book you can read late at night when you're tired and looking for a quick few pages. You need to be able to stay awake :-) so that might be why I'm not sticking with it as much because a lot of my reading time lately is late at night. Now that the school year is almost over, I'll have more time during the day, and I can get some uninterrupted AWAKE time :-) to read.

But then my To Be Read pile is literally careening around my desk in a zig-zag, so I better read pretty fast!



  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Shirley! You have time to read? LOL Just kidding....

  2. I found it to be the same way. I read it fairly quickly though. :) Oh, well.:)

  3. You were probably more awake at night, LOL, than me!


  4. LOL that could be. :) It's been awhile. :)

  5. Keep at it, it gets better (even speeds up a bit as you get closer to the end). Totally worth the time, it made my read-again pile!


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