Friday, September 28, 2007

Kate Rothwell's/Summer Devon's Low Fat Tips

Kate Rothwell, who also writes as Summer Devon, is a hilarious, fun person in person. And, she's got some great low-fat tips here. I need to really follow these (and get to the stinkin' gym). Having Boston Creme Pie last night was not exactly figure friendly. But it sure was tummy friendly ;-).

Just to let you know, Somebody to Love by Kate Rothwell is on stands now; and Summer Devon's Knight's Challenge just came out and Revealing Skills is a summer release.

I've lost about forty pounds in the last eight months and I figure if I'm posting about recipes that might be worth mentioning, right?

The two main things I've learned since I started this weight loss thing: it's better to savor a half ounce of gourmet chocolate than munch down a half a pound of left-over kid's birthday party bag candy. I'm not hungry, I'm thirsty.

Shirley said we should make any recipes simple and you cannot get anything simpler than my current favorite desserts.

Frozen rasberries are suddenly relatively inexpensive around here--about 1.90 for ten ounces. I have taken to thawing a half cup of the raspberries by letting them sit out. Then I microwave a half an ounce of excellent dark chocolate, with a dab--say a quarter teaspoon--of half and half. I glop the chocolate over the raspberries. Mmmm.

If I want even goopier goodness, I cut up a banana into the solid chunk of chocolate before shoving it into the microwave--and skip the half and half. The resulting banana and chocolate melted mass is ugly and delicious and takes care of my need for rich yumminess. If that doesn't feel decadent enough, after the banana and chocolate has melted, stir, sprinkle the mess a few frozen raspberries, a touch of grand marnier and it's even lumpier and tastier. When I eat things like this, I don't feel any sense of deprivation and I get the immediate gratification chocolate fix, too.

I have some virtuous recipes too, items like muffins filled with whole grains and fiber, but no, those take a while to mix up (I skip buying oatmeal flour and just grind up oatmeal) And compared to chocolate, they're just ....dull.

Kate Rothwell

1 comment:

  1. aw, thanks, Shirley!

    I read those other amazing contributions by other writers and thought perhaps "banana chocolate gunk" didn't fit the actual requirement of recipe.

    BTW, love is An Exploding Cigar is the best name for a blog, ever. (depending on the reader's brain it can be pratfalls or something obscene or just a really funny phrase.)


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