Friday, April 24, 2009

Writing on the Sunroom Today

We've been crazy busy with the kids, and I was out of town for a couple days so the gourmet meal prep has fallen by the wayside for a little while, LOL. Tonight will be another grab-and-go meal, but soon...soon, we'll be back to normal. I did just make my Beef Stroghanoff, which is a huge, huge, huge hit in my house.

Even my kid who despises mushrooms eats the mushrooms in this -- I don't know if it's because they kind of disappear in the sauce or what. I used a Top Sirloin steak this time that I cut up, and really took the time to brown and caramelize the meat...

Yum. :-)

Today, I'm writing on the sunroom. Enjoying the warm day, as are the dogs. We had to put our Golden Retriever down last week--her hips had gotten so bad that she couldn't even hold herself up to pee, and she spent most of the night whining and panting, and couldn't even get outside without a lot of help. It was a decision we'd been agonizing over for months and months, and finally just did it.

The Pointer is definitely missing her. He's kind of wandering around, like 'where is my buddy?'. But at least I know she's not in pain anymore. Sigh.

Anyway, it's a beautiful day and I'm grateful for that blessing!



  1. Shirley....thanks for the entertaining article. I have a yorkshire terrier whose name is Sophie. She's hyper and at times, insists that I stop writing and play with her. I write romance novels and if I may, I'd like to take a moment and shamelessly promote my new book, "Beth:Love Along The B.G.Sanford," and just released by Eloquent Books. It's a beautiful romance, however tragic. A love affair of a lifetime presents itself to Beth during some of the darkest times of her life. She struggles with what to do, knowing fully what would be morally right. Because of the very substance of this book, it certainly can't be considered "lightweight" reading by any stretch of the imagination. I hope you have an opportunity to read it as it's an entertaining story you won't soon forget.
    All my best to you,

  2. Hi Shirley,

    I'm in your Good to Sold workshop... just saw this post. I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. I'm a dog lover as well. I have a weimaraner. ;)

    Thanks for everything!


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